Beauty on the Texas Bayou Photography Workshop

Beauty on the Texas Bayou Photography Workshop

Nov 15th, 2024 (3-Days) in-field workshop $1795    (FULL)        

Beauty on the Texas Bayou Photography Workshop

If you’re looking for unspoiled beauty, full of color, and endless photographic possibilities, join us for our newest adventure into the swamplands of Caddo Lake in beautiful Texas!

We will explore the largest bald cypress forests on the planet, by guided pontoon boat, and onshore over the course of 3-days. Glassy reflections, morning mist, fall color, and otherworldly beauty are all on the list of things to photograph as we travel each day, winding our way through the shrouded cypress maze toward the Louisiana border. Caddo Lake is truly is one of the most unique and wonderful photography destinations in the United States.

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Bay Photo SinghRay Filters SmugMug
Nik Software Induro Tripods thinkTANK

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